Y’all….after a couple weeks with no homework (and thus no weekly blog) I find I’m rusty! And yet, last week we gathered round the table. It was the first time at the “new” during the fall/school year time (10AM). As we gathered, sharing good mornings and laughter as usual, we opened in prayer.
After prayer I named that two weeks prior when last all gathered (and I was missing) there had been conversation about who Sabbath is for, and whether we — like Jesus — can break God’s Law if needed! I also had heard that while a passionate conversation had been enjoyed by all, there had been no real agreement on what Sabbath was/is (a definition at least – that all agreed on!). SO, since the last homework questions had not been really answered we began with a check-in that answered essentially, if you observe (your understanding/definition of) Sabbath and if yes, how — or if not why not.
There were different answers and experiences. Some, really many said yes. Sabbath was desired or needed. Sabbath included a type of separation of time, for one it might mean the ceasing of work that must be done, for one it meant time in the garden — but no lawn mowing, for another it meant time where their brain was turned off of their normal work as they take care of grandkids, for another it required a reflective moment of some sort. Many wondered as to how to keep the Sabbath “holy.” Also many found not liking having to “miss” Sabbath when work deadlines required the loss of Sunday Sabbath, though one found they were also at times able to challenge in their work whether taking the time from Sunday Sabbath was necessary. Worth mentioning was how some had formative memories of what Sabbath could include from how they were raised and experienced Sabbath as a family.
After gathering, reminding ourselves of the flow of our time together (pray, check-in, listen to scripture read w/silence — “lectio devina” style, sharing, homework & praying out) and checking in we turned to the scripture selection for the day, Genesis 1:27-2:3
And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation. (Gen. 2:2-3, English Standard Version)
We sat with this text. We sought to still ourselves and listen to what the Holy Spirit was inviting us to notice…like how God rested, after finishing God’s work. Like how it was God who blessed the day & made it holy. Or even considering perhaps that creation wasn’t finished until God included rest…how how God worked first & then rested (though we don’t really think that God needs the rest) — however humanity was created and began with rest (humanity also always did have work to tend too — the creation that God had already made!). So we went back to the beginning, a beginning that was very good, and noticed that rest came after creation was alive and running — rest came as God seemed to be entrusting said creation to our stewardship of it! And as we could have stayed her MUCH longer the homework time came asking this…..
- What does the Bible say about Sabbath?
- What scripture (specific scripture) most shapes your understanding of Sabbath?
The blog might be later than usual, but there’s still time to consider this & come to the table with what God has given you as your answer right now & though life! Looking forward to continuing this conversation y’all.
In Christ ~
Rev. Sabrina Slater